Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why Menu Plan??

Menu Planning has really helped me to focus on the age old question, "What's for dinner?" I generally consider myself a fly by the seat of my pants personality. However, this attitude tends to cause me a lot of stress around dinner time. With a menu plan, I just check that morning to see what needs to be pulled from the fridge.

Because I take the time to do a menu plan, any of the other family members can check to see what's for dinner. They can also help start dinner if for some reason I'm not home. This is going to be very helpful as we start back to school.

I've mentioned before that my daughter has become an excellent cook at the ripe old age of only 14. This has truly been a blessing. We envision her as a chef of her very on restaurant someday. Until then, we will enjoy her wonderful creations and from time to time share with y'all.

I'm not real ridged with the menu plan. I've been know to move things around to suit our schedules. As we all know plans sometimes change. If for some reason we don't have one nights menu then I try to shift it to the next week.

And the final reason that I menu plan is to help use up some of my stockpile. Sometimes I forget what we actual have in our pantry. When I'm working on my menu plan I try to incorporate several items we already have. Having a well stocked pantry is another blessing. What are some of your must have on hand pantry items?

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